Oh my goodness, readers, I know you have been waiting on pins and needles to hear this, so here goes:
Whoo hoo!! I know, I know, it has been a simply CRAZY whirlwind of a month since I found out about the opportunity and went for it with guns-a-blazin'. I mean, I worked my HINEY OFF and with such a great result!
The position is a senior level Marketing Director for a company that I really admire. I'm not going to say who just yet, as I will be signing the paperwork to make it official next week. Then I'll let you know. But in the mean time, I need to start building a wardrobe!
Now, while the true, born-in-the-wrong-era Allison wishes she was going to be headed off to a Mad Men-esque office, I don't think I can really pull off the Joan look. I mean, auburn hair is SO HARD to maintain, right? (tee hee).

But I can remember to have little pops of Allison style coming through, which means I need to start pulling together some key items for my office wear!
It is time to shop! Of course I will need one of these, from my own collection:

And then I'll need to
buy this pattern from V & Co. to make a fabulous skirt:

Of course I'll be sporting
this necklace around the office:

But I also need one of these fabulous ruffled scarves from the
Pleated Poppy:

And I DEFINITELY need one of these
Pedal Pusher pins from the Pleated Poppy as well:

A girl needs a little funky jewelry, too, so I also have my eye on this pendant from
SaraWaxWing on Etsy:

I am a little eclectic yet conservative to a point (especially in office wear) and I tend to wear a lot of black and grays but with nice pops of color or chunky accessories and of course the occasional ruffle!
Do you have any great suggestions for me from Etsy sellers or Blogger that you love? Tell me in the comments section, and be sure to give me a link!