I just celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary with my husband, and over that time he has accumulated a nice collection of antique and vintage auto memorabilia from my Dad. If Christmas or his birthday was approaching, we could be sure that Chris would receive some great old oil can, or several license plates, or perhaps even a tire and tire stand from the 40s!

I think that pretty soon, Chris may have enough pieces to put together an entire car! Sure, it my have hubcaps from an old Nash, headlights from a Model T, spark plugs from an old Subaru and a Hudson Hornet hood ornament--but it sure would be unique!

I think my favorite piece among all of these is the Men Working road sign. I just love the color and the feel of it. It is painted on heavy canvas. I also really enjoy Chris' collection of old license plates. He only just began to get his collection displayed in the garage this week while he was on vacation--he must have upwards of 50 old plates!

The great old Ford center cap is also a favorite of mine--especially because that old logo is prominent in the movie Cars.

Nice! My husband also collects vintage auto stuff. He has a ton of plates...would you be interested in trading anything? Jus' a thought. Let me know StarvnRtist@aol.com
ReplyDeleteAlso, Happy 7th anniversary (we just celebrated our 12th, Jan2).
I love that V8 hubcab. This is wonderful for any vintage/car loving man.