Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ruffle Toddler Dress from Upcycled Tshirt Tutorial--Revisit

I am excited to tell you that I have been asked to submit my Toddler Ruffle Dress from an Upcycled Tshirt Tutorial for the following fun challenge!

The deadline for entries is tomorrow--I am sending mine in as soon as I have finished this post!

I received great feedback and comments from the tutorial, and a friend sent me this photo of the dress that she and her Mom made as a result of my tutorial:

Don't you just love it when someone follows your tutorial and sends you pics and the result is fantastic? Thanks Carey!

On a side note, I have been soaking labels off of a variety of jars in preparation for the flower arrangements for Ella's birthday party. 8 days and counting before the big Lemonade and Sunshine Birthday Social! (Are you sick of me talking about it yet?)

Have a happy weekend!


  1. Got onto your blog from a link from ucreate - this T-shit dress looks great - will have to look up your tutorial - I have so many little projects to get onto - it's very inspiring visiting other peoples blogs but sometimes I just don't know what to start next!


I love your feedback!